If You're A Parent, You Should Still Be Able To Do These Things Under House Arrest
Legal trouble can especially be a concern, as you may be worried about what might happen to your children should you be sentenced to jail. Fortunately, the right criminal defense attorney will work hard on your behalf to keep you out of jail — but you may be looking at a different sentencing outcome. House arrest is something that many people face, and while it has its limitations, it also has some benefits. As a parent, you're not only be able to see your children daily, but you'll also be able to continue to do these things.
Take Them To/From School
If you have young children, you might currently walk them to school in the morning and be waiting outside of the school to walk them home in the afternoon. If you live a considerable distance from the school, you might drive the kids to and from their classes. In most cases, you'll be able to continue to perform these essential tasks while under house arrest. You'll definitely want your attorney to fight for your right to be able to do so, but it's unlikely that a judge will prevent you from playing this important role in your children's lives.
Attend Extracurricular Activities
Being under house arrest doesn't necessarily mean that you'll miss out on seeing your children's various extracurricular activities, although you'll definitely want to get guidelines as to how much you can leave the house for such events. Watching your children perform in school plays, play in local sports leagues, and otherwise maintain active extracurricular lives is important for many parents. Generally, you'll be able to leave the house for important events of this nature, provided that you return back home promptly.
Drive Them To Appointments
You may be able to continue to take your children to essential appointments, despite being under house arrest. Transporting them to the doctor, dentist, and to see other similar healthcare professionals is usually permitted for those under house arrest. A lot depends on your overall family situation. For example, a judge may be more willing to grant you these exemptions if you're a single parent and don't have someone else who could take your children to their needed medical appointments. It's important that you carefully follow the rules of your house arrest, even if you don't necessarily agree with them. Failing to do so could result in you being arrested again and perhaps sentenced to jail.
For more information, talk to a local criminal defense attorney.